They are an integral component of a new partnership with Africa, one in which every African country stands to benefit as . Yet, unlike the other partners, the EU's relationship with Africa is longstanding, entrenched in the past colonial and postcolonial . The EU further observed that the future EU-Kenya . African and European societies face common issues and shared challenges, such as the coronavirus pandemic and climate change, creating the need for closer and more equitable collaboration. The European Investment Bank is a key part of the EU toolbox that for decades has helped make the partnership between Africa and Europe stronger. 0. The African Union (AU) - European Union (EU) Summit comes at a time when humanity finds itself in the midst of a pandemic, a climate crisis, food shortages, violent conflict, and a myriad other socioeconomic and geopolitical challenges. Current charcoal demand clears an estimated 3% of Africa's forested area a year. The purpose of the Joint Strategy is to take the Africa-EU Partnership to a new strategic level with a strengthened political dialogue and enhanced cooperation at all levels. The Africa-EU Partnership was formally established in 2000 at the first Africa-EU Summit in Cairo. When: 6 to 8 November 2019 Africa and the EU must establish a new partnership as equals, focusing on people's needs and adjusting to the needs of a post-Covid world. Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. Our reflections beyond the 6th EU-AU summit. 24 June 2021 4:30 pm. For the migration and mobility partnership between Africa and the EU to lead to real results, cooperation needs to include genuine plans for mobility and overcome a focus on the 'root' cause argument to fight irregular migration. The AU-EU partnership therefore needs to be strengthened, reinvigorated and focused on delivering concrete results that are tangible for the peoples of Africa, especially its youth and women. EPRS A new EU-Africa Strategy - A partnership for sustainable and inclusive development This document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament as background material to ass ist them in their parliamentary work. As Africa has sought to strengthen its regional security mechanisms in order to stem conflicts and sustain the democratic culture that is now being . The partnership is broad and comprehensive and dominated by mutual political, trade and development interests, including sustainable energy and climate change. Working with eu mobilises €82.5 million to strengthen cooperation with africa in digital and space technologythe eu has announced today €82.5 million for six new projects under the pan-african programme to strengthen its cooperation with africa in multiple sectors, including sustainable resource management, regional integration and trade, air transport and … During that time, these young activists shaped joint recommendations to share with their leaders. The second Action Plan (2010), though, enlarged its scope and gave it the broader title of "Partnership on Climate Change and the Environment.". A. Two years after the EU set out its blueprint for a 'strategic partnership' with Africa, the EU-African Union summit designed to seal the deal takes place in Brussels next Thursday (17 February). Beyond trade, the EU is the biggest investor in Africa. To help foster this approach, the High Level Group Africa Europe Partnership has been created (as a spin-off of the High Level Group on Trade Policy Innovation and the positive reception of its recommendations), pursuing a deep independent look at the current state of relations, including for example a questionable performance of decades of aid . In this regard, the Sixth AU-EU Summit is an opportunity for AU and EU leaders to reflect on the objectives of the partnership, beyond the rhetoric. Cooperation on science, technology and innovation is a key component of the Africa-EU Partnership. The Africa-Europe Foundation is a consortium entity founded by a leading European think-tank, Friends of Europe, and a leading African Foundation, Mo Ibrahim Foundation, in partnership with the African Climate Foundation and the ONE Campaign and with a multitude of stakeholders from civil society, business, policymaking and the youth sector across Africa and Europe. To facilitate an open and frank dialogue on key, often contentious, issues between our two continents, AEF is organising three high-level "Talking Africa-Europe" specials focusing on the priority issues of Climate and Energy (January 20), Migration and Mobility (January 27) and Vaccine Access and Equity (February 3). To help foster this approach, the High Level Group Africa Europe Partnership has been created (as a spin-off of the High Level Group on Trade Policy Innovation and the positive reception of its recommendations), pursuing a deep independent look at the current state of relations, including for example a questionable performance of decades of aid . A range of dialogues between the EU and South Africa allow us to share experiences in areas of common interest . The content of the document is the sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions . Our Action; Investing in people- education, science, technology and skills development; Strengthening Resilience, Peace, Security and Governance; Where: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In the wake of the EU-AU Summit and the Africa-Europe Week in February 2022 during which the African Union and the European Union have renewed their strategic partnership, the EU wishes to continue the dialogue between the two neighboring continents. layers Browse our collection of geospatial datasets explore Discover our interactive stories api Interact with our analytical tools 199 Search by Topic 17 On 25 March, MEPs […] The Africa-EU Partnership. He also agreed on the tangible outcomes and further engagement with African and European stakeholders to accelerate the digital transformation of our continent. Our Action; Investing in people- education, science, technology and skills development; Strengthening Resilience, Peace, Security and Governance; It is guided by the Joint Africa-EU strategy (JAES), adopted at the 2 nd AU-EU Summit in Lisbon in 2007. These challenges, however grave their immediate effects, are creating an opportunity to re-examine the values underpinning the relationship between Africa and . The new EU-Africa Strategy presented by the Commission on 9 March puts a reinforced emphasis on the creation of a real partnership with a continent whose relevance for Europe is growing by the day. The three briefings focus on different aspects of this new partnership, the first one dealing with the implications for the Second is continent to country partnerships such as Africa-India, Africa-Turkey, Africa-China, Africa-Japan, Africa-US through AGOA and Africa-France. For example, the EU's share of the global digital market is less than that of the US or China. HR/VP video blog - We need to strengthen our partnership because our political, economic and security future is at stake when it comes to our relations with Africa, a young and dy Since 2006, the EU High Representative has led diplomatic efforts between the E3/EU+3 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States) and Iran, which led to the conclusion of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear program (JCPOA) in Vienna on 14 July 2015. Last year, recommendations for speeding up investments in the energy sector in Africa and stimulating . The conflict in Ukraine has brought forward existing issues of energy security and dependency for Africa and Europe.As we gear up for COP27, how can the Africa-Europe partnership answer the twin questions of energy access and transition, and climate emergency?. Their commitment to an Africa-EU digital economy partnership notwithstanding, the two regions face a series of challenges. After almost a. South Africa is one of the European Union's ten strategic partners, globally. The OACPS-EU partnership in 2021-2041 Alfonso Medinilla, ECDPM brief, April 2021 Continuity and Change in European Union-Africa Relations on Peace and Security. At the heart of this global dynamic, culture and interpersonal exchanges play an important role. The last AU-EU summit took place over four years ago, in November 2017, in Abidjan. The pandemic has highlighted the urgency of matching words with bold initiatives, and ending the persistence of an unbalanced and crisis-prone partnership. February 15, 2022. Council of the European Union, Brussels. on a new EU-Africa Strategy - a partnership for sustainable and inclusive development (2020/2041(INI))The European Parliament, - having regard to Article 21 of the Treaty on European Union (EU) and Article 208 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, - having regard to the UN Summit on Sustainable Development of 25, 26 and 27 September 2015 and the outcome document adopted . About us . Europe-Africa: An Indispensable Partnership. In Africa, the AU has clearly articulated a vision and proposed actions for digitalization on the continent, starting with the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030). This is the logic in which the European Union approaches hydrogen imports. PANAP is part of the Action Agenda of the Political Declaration of the 3rd AU-EU Agriculture Ministerial Conference held in Rome on 21 June 2019 and is conceived in the framework of the Africa-Europe agenda for rural transformation - Task force rural Africa. About us . The renewed partnership focused chiefly on the immediate challenge Africa-EU Partnership is still significant, Africa today speaks with a self-confident voice and forges strategic relation-ships with a variety of other international partners. LAUNCH EVENT AND FIRST MEETING. Meanwhile, the EU has adopted its growth strategy for the coming decade, Europe 2020, and has set five ambi-tious objectives - employment, innovation, education, On 17 and 18 February 2022, the Heads of State or Government of the African Union and the European Union will meet for a summit in Brussels. It is enshrined in the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES): a. Africa and the EU. In fact, in the long history of AU-EU relations, the first joint Africa-EU Strategy adopted back in 2007 had already emphasised the need to . A central partnership of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, the AEEP is the key political platform through which both continents work together on energy. Established: 2007 Objectives. The African Union, according to Dr. Abou-Zeid added, welcomes the enhanced partnership with the European Union that is based on respect, transparency, equal opportunity, a win-win approach. The EU-Africa partnership is one with a lot of baggage, but at the start of a new decade the need for a reset is clear; interests have shifted and the relations between the two continents have moved on from the development focused, often unidirectional engagement between the EU and Africa that dominated over the past decades. For over one year in the run-up to the summit, the ONE Africa-Europe Task Force brought together a cross-continental community of young activists who want to foster a smarter and stronger Africa-Europe partnership. The Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) was launched by African and European Heads of State in 2007 at the AU-EU Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. To tackle the challenges of the times and set political priorities, the EU and African Union have been meeting over the years in different formats. The new and ambitious Africa-EU partnership, which we expect to be cemented during the upcoming Summit, will achieve influence or impact only when its foundation is a real commitment to equality . The Partnership and Joint Africa-EU Strategy; How it works; Financing the Partnership; Our Action . Volker Hauck and Lidet Tadesse Shiferaw, Accord Covid-19 Conflict & Resilience Monitor, 24 March 2021 A call for change from young people in Africa and Europe It is guided by the Joint Africa-EU strategy (JAES), adopted in 2007. The EU is already Africa's largest partner for both exports (36%) and imports (33%), dwarfing Africa's other trade partners, including China (9% exports, 13% imports), India (9% exports, 5% imports) and the United States (7% exports, 5% imports). On Thursday 24 June, ECDPM organised a webinar on the Africa-Europe partnership, bringing together former officials and independent thinkers from Africa and Europe. European Union The EU and the African Union (AU) sealed a "renewed partnership" in Brussels on Friday, including the launch of a €150 billion European investment strategy and increased aid to. Revitalizing the Africa-EU Partnership. One is continent to continent partnerships with emphasis on Africa-Europe, Africa-South America and Africa-Asia. The EU has reacted swiftly and decisively to Russia's aggression by adopting further restrictive measures in response . Africa is embarking upon a period in which its political, economic and social outlook will transform. The pandemic is of course one of the reasons . The framework of Africa's strategic partnership has taken four distinct forms. The moment presents a unique opportunity to accelerate efforts towards 2030 and integrate shared efforts to open a new chapter of the Africa-Europe energy partnership, especially through an innovative . The green transition is one of five key areas for the Africa-European Union (EU) Partnership, established in 2020 . The EU and Kenya bilateral relationship in 2022 continues to thrive with the regions currently negotiating on an interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA) The agreement that is expected to enhance trade and investment opportunities and help boost sustainable economic growth and job creation. The Africa-EU Energy Partnership was established in 2007 as a framework for strategic dialogue between the two regions and was aimed at sharing knowledge, setting priorities and developing joint programs on the key energy issues and challenges. The Joint Africa-EU Strategy, which provides the overarching long . The EIB's first support for vaccine investment in South Africa is expected to increase annual . It is an economic partnership that puts the respective strengths of Europe and Africa to work. To facilitate an open and frank dialogue on key, often contentious, issues between our two continents, AEF is organising three high-level "Talking Africa-Europe" specials focusing on the priority issues of Climate and Energy (January 20), Migration and Mobility (January 27) and Vaccine Access and Equity (February 3). The Africa-EU partnership is a traditional form of partnership, which has gestated over a long period of time. The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership is the formal channel through which the European Union and the African continent work together. Team Europe mobilises to support African economies European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today announced a Team Europe initiative in support of Africa's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, as she joined global leaders at the Summit on Financing African Economies hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris. The most recent EU-AU declaration published following the 6th European Union-African Union Summit in February 2022 fell short of proposing a decisive action plan, dedicated institutions or specific monitoring mechanisms to address the socio-economic challenges linked to the geopolitical, economic and financial risks in the region. The SA-EU Strategic Partnership was established in 2006 and was followed by a Joint Action Plan in 2007 as a forward looking platform that facilitates the wide ranging cooperation between our two parties. The Africa Platform A gateway to data and information on Africa's social, economic, territorial and environmental development, developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Africa and Europe : A partnership for development. For over one year in the run-up to the summit, the ONE Africa-Europe Task Force brought together a cross-continental community of young activists who want to foster a smarter and stronger Africa-Europe partnership. The JAES reflects the Euro-African consensus on values, joint interests and common strategic objectives. ECFR Council Africa Promises, promises: The future of the Europe-Africa partnership The recent summit between the European Union and the African Union raised hopes of genuine cooperation between the sides. The partnership was established in 2000 at the first African Union (AU)-EU Summit in Cairo. Institutionally, it began with the first Africa-EU Summit in Cairo, Egypt, in 2000, followed by the 2nd Summit that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, in December 2007, which adopted an Africa-EU Joint Strategy (JAES) and its Action Plan. As former EU-Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker illustrated on the margins of the 5 th African Union-European Union Summit held in 2017 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: "Our partnership is a partnership of equals in which we support each other, help each other to prosper and make the world a safer, more stable and more sustainable place to live." The EU and South Africa have a strategic partnership since 2006. David McNair View from the Council 3 March 2022 4 minute read It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africa's goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African . Fostering a strong Africa-EU partnership will be a long and difficult process. Africa-EU partnership. When the EU released its communication on a new comprehensive strategy with Africa in March 2020, building a 'partnership of equals' was at the heart of their proposal for the revitalised framework. Expand Target 2030: Reinforcing the Africa-Europe Energy Partnership. It underpins advances in many policy domains, such . Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February was met with immediate calls for sanctions in Europe, and highlighted the degree to which . Through the Africa-EU partnership, we work, engage in political and policy dialogues, and define our cooperative relationship with Africa. Africa-EU Ministerial Troika, Joint Progress Report on the Implementation of the Africa-EU Joint Strategy and Its First Action Plan (November 21, 2008) Google Scholar Joint AUC-EC Task Force, JAES Assessment Report (October 9, 2009) Google Scholar Joint AUC-EC Task Force, Report of the 10th Meeting (March 18-19, 2010) The EU and West Africa. It is enshrined in the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES): a . Toggle navigation. EU-Africa roadmap 2014-2017 (2-3 April 2014) On 4 May 2017, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Commission issued a joint communication for a renewed impetus of the Africa-EU partnership. In 60 years of independence, the Europe-Africa relationship hasn't fostered Africa's industrialisation, considered by many experts as the one tool that could substantially lift African . Africa: EU targeting comprehensive partnership with continent EU members and business investors are targeting several emerging opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which provides unique and valuable access to an integrated African market of over 1.2 billion people. Three challenges need to be overcome to make the partnership an actual breakthrough. Google Scholar EU (European Union) (2013-2019) The partnership and joint Africa-EU strategy. EU (European Union) (2007) The Africa-EU strategic partnership: a joint Africa-EU strategy. The Africa-EU Strategic Partnership is the formal channel through which the European Union and the African continent work together. The EPA also includes the possibility to hold further negotiations on sustainable development, services, investment and other trade-related issues in the future. The European Investment Bank, in close cooperation with the European Union, is planning to support large-scale investment by South Africa's specialist human vaccine manufacturer Biovac to increase development and manufacturing of vaccines and enable a quicker response to future pandemics. This has informed the increased collaboration between the AU and the European Union (EU) in areas of tackling security, democratic, humanitarian and human rights situations on the Continent. Toggle navigation. T his debate will build on the aftermath of COP 26, which have left . The Partnership and Joint Africa-EU Strategy; How it works; Financing the Partnership; Our Action . During that time, these young activists shaped joint recommendations to share with their leaders. COP 26 is a make-or-break milestone for global climate and energy action. To do so, the EU will focus its investments in those areas with potential for job creation and value addition in Africa where the EU has a significant added value, namely transport connectivity, digital, energy and agro-industry. Both sides are working together on the implementation of the Paris Agremeent. April 4, 2022 ETTG / Publication. The Africa-Europe Foundation is a consortium entity founded by a leading European think-tank, Friends of Europe, and a leading African Foundation, Mo Ibrahim Foundation, in partnership with the African Climate Foundation and the ONE Campaign and with a multitude of stakeholders from civil society, business, policymaking and the youth sector across Africa and Europe. This debate will explore the drivers of intercontinental migration, often . Op-Ed by Foreign Ministers Anže Logar (Slovenia), Heiko Maas (Germany), Augusto Santos Silva (Portugal), Jean-Yves Le Drian (France) on Europe-Africa . The Africa-EU Partnership. by Kester Kenn Klomegah February 15, 2022 Like other international partners, European countries and institutions through the European Union (EU) currently seek a new and dynamic engagement with emerging African political institutions. Ahead of the 6th Summit of the African Union and the European Union, the Africa-Europe Week (14-18 Feb) offers opportunities for exchanges and discussions among stakeholders of different horizons. For the EU, a primary challenge is the need to strengthen its own digital standing. EU-AU summits of heads of states Based on the Joint Africa-Europe Strategy, adopted at the Second EU-Africa Summit in Lisbon in December 2007, the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership is the formal channel through which the European Union and the African continent work together.. One of the eight areas for strategic partnerships is Migration, mobility and employment. The EPA will. A . The 6th EU-AU summit, held in Brussels on 17-18 February 2022, marked an important milestone. Ready for a common Africa-Europe future? The Foreign Affairs Council welcomed the joint communication at its meeting on 15 May 2017. The renewed partnership focused chiefly on the immediate . In April 2021, the lengthy and complex negotiations for a new twenty-year partnership agreement between the 27 EU member states and the 79 countries of the . More than €6.7 billion was proposed for the Digital Europe Programme as part of the EU's 2021-2027 budget. in the relationship between the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU). The EU stands united in its solidarity with Ukraine and will continue to support Ukraine and its people together with its international partners, including through additional political, financial and humanitarian support. The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with West Africa covers goods and development cooperation. Abstract. The Partnership on Climate Change, initialed by the Joint Africa-European Union (EU) Strategy (2007), originally focused on the issues of climate adaptation and desertification. The most recent EU-AU declaration published following the 6th European Union-African Union Summit in February 2022 fell short of proposing a decisive action plan, dedicated institutions or specific monitoring mechanisms to address the socio-economic challenges linked to the geopolitical, economic and financial risks in the region.. 16344/07 (Presse 291), 9 December. Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission has placed Africa at the heart of the European Union's external action strategy, signaling to Washington, Moscow, and Beijing that the "geopolitical commission" [1] intends to carve itself a genuine place in the current rivalry for world leadership. The EU is already supporting technology development and innovation in key strategic areas such as hydrogen, offshore wind and batteries, and has, in addition, stated its readiness to work together with its African partners on the following challenges: • Improving business climate and unlocking the huge potential of renewable energy technologies; A key test of the partnership will be in whether the EU lives up to its promises.

africa eu partnership

africa eu partnership