He believes that no innocent person should fear the court, and that he . When pride and arrogance interferes with ones wisdom the repercussions are often destructive. Danforth rules the courtroom like a dictator. Judge Danforth an honorable Judge of the supreme court has easily been dominated by a seventeen-year-old Abigail, proving that he is gullible to her lies. Danforth is unfair on account of his extremist ways. He protects the innocent and does not budge from his beliefs. The sheer act of fleeing away shows a sign of guilt and . Corey is dragged from the courtroom (and onto the stage), followed by Francis Nurse, Hale, Parris, Hathorne, and Danforth. These individuals also abuse the power and become self conceded. Reverend Hale's faith and his belief in the individual divide him. - A deposition stating that Thomas Putnam was having his daughter cry witchcraft in order to gain land from others. 422. Danforth questions and sends the people on the petition that says the women are innocent to . The man most responsible for the out of control situation was Judge Danforth. The Crucible is a novel that demonstrates the human abuse of power and ability to manipulate weakness in others to achieve our own goals, using its crop of deceptive and cunning antagonists. Danforth. The puritans consist of religious extremists and witches were seen as the help of the devil. Some may argue that Abigail Williams was the main cause of the accusations, trials and consequences. He believes that no innocent person should fear the court, and that he and Judge Hathorne are guided by God, so nobody will be punished unjustly. The importance of having a good name is a very prominent theme in The Crucible. Lastly, right after the Andover witchcraft trial revolt, Abigail runs away and also steals Reverend Parris's money (The crucible). Danforth is strict in terms of his authority in the court. The Crucible is a novel that demonstrates the human abuse of power and ability to manipulate weakness in others to achieve our own goals, using its crop of deceptive and cunning antagonists. His stubborn, hard headed demeanor was the main reason that the trial became a full on witch hunt, that had consequences that were unspeakable for such a foolish cause. The response of the judges suggests that the accused are not allowed to defend themselves. At the end of the play, Salem is falling apart, Abigail has run away . They repeated Mary's speech to make the men think that Mary is the witch controlling them What is meant by Proctor's statement: "Do that which is good, and no harm shall come to thee." Proctor means to be like St. Raphael. The distorted logic in the trials nearly paralleled the frantic logic of McCarthyism, which served to . Many people in the real world also gain tremendous power in a short period of time. Shows little to no emotion or sympathy. John's admission of the . Judge Danforth shows a bias towards witchcraft since this is the puritan era. He has good morals and tries to do the right things. The point at which the sequence of plot events has built to the greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense. He seems a hard man, and one not willing to change his views. Act 4 of The Crucible shows how the town of Salem has deteriorated in the months since the trials. His stubborn, hard headed demeanor was the main reason that the trial became a full on witch hunt, that had consequences that were unspeakable for such a foolish cause. The story is based on a real-life experience, with actual colonists from 17th century America. . As Proctor and Corey enter the court, Putman says, "Beware of that man" to Danforth. Hales comes to Salem in response to a need. Danforth's lack of self-awareness results in the deaths of many innocent people. McMurphy teaches the men to gain control over themselves by questioning their compliance and apathy towards their own lives. 36 Votes) Fire in The Crucible symbolizes sinfulness, and fire's ability to quickly become out of control is mirrored by the way sin seems to spread. The leading figure among the magistrates, Danforth is a key character in the story. Click to see full answer. In Salem, these people have killed the spirit of Christianity and replaced God with new gods in Salem, Danforth and Abigail. These individuals also abuse the power and become self conceded. Danforth. Hale. To Danforth directly: And I think you will want to know, from each and every one of them, what discontents them with you!"(94). 122 experts online. What does Judge Danforth have to gain by telling the truth? John Proctor is the model citizen. Many people were charged as guilty but in reality they were innocent, the only people who were actually guilty are Abigail Williams, Judge Danforth, and Thomas Putnam. Also Know, what happened in Act 3 of the crucible? The first mention of Danforth is in Act three. Judge Danforth is the deputy governor of Massachusetts and he presides over the witch trials in Salem alongside Judge Hathorne. Mary Warren is trying to confess that she and the others were only pretending to see spirits. He has serene confidence in his ability to deliver fair judgment. Cheever tells Danforth how Proctor ripped up the warrant, but Proctor says that it was only out of temper. The immense gain of power that Danforth, Abigail, and Parris had due to the witch trials was defectively used for the greater good. insists on presenting the deposition in order to save the other innocent wives. laughs at prayer, only seeks vengeance for the affair Cite several examples of how the truth is dismissed and lies are believed in the court scene of Mary Warren's deposition: He sees any challenge against the court as an attack on the court, and therefore an attack on him. Mary admits that her fits of bewitchment were pretense. Danforth learns that the girls danced in the woods. Judge Danforth is a prominent character in the play, and one of main persecutors of those accused of witchcraft. Mr. Cheever tells the judges that cows wander throughout the town because so many of the owners . Mr. Lincoln's quote shows that power defines the strength or weakness of a character. He has built up a lot of respect for his name. Character traits of Judge Danforth: Dominating with an almost dictator-like adherence to Puritan law. Some may argue that Abigail Williams was the main cause of the accusations, trials and consequences. Summary. Danforth questions Proctor, wondering whether he has any hidden intention to undermine the court. Thomas denied them, as well as any possibility of a misunderstanding. Hathorne questions Mary Warren and asks her to . Both of these men enter the trials with very similar goals. As a character in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and the 1996 movie by the same name directed by Nicholas Hytner, he is portrayed as a pretentious and selfish judge, who is extremely loyal to the rules and regulations of . Many people in the real world also gain tremendous power in a short period of time. Secondly, Judge Danforth's irrationality and ignorance brings about poor decisions on his part. Herein, what is the symbolic meaning of the crucible? View Essay - The Crucible, Preserving one's reputation from ENGLISH 102 at American Military University. McCarthyism is also able to be related to Danforth and the trials due to the fact that it was the same idea. He is a key character in the play, used by Miller to engage the audience. 4.9/5 (2,627 Views . He is the "spiritual doctor" summoned to evaluate Salem. The themes of reputation and hypocrisy that occurred in the 1962 Salem Witch Trials are the very same themes that were prevalent in McCarthyism. Danforth believes that he is a fair judge, open to the truth. Giles Corey suddenly shouts that he has evidence that Thomas Putnam is using the trials to get more land. Danforth summons Abigail and three of the girls into the vestry room, where he questions Abigail. Truth Danforth is a very authoritative character throughout the play and is often the one to regain order in times of chaos. As he begins to believe Mary Warren that it was all lies, it gives the audience hope, and builds up the suspense leaving the audience wanting to . Danforth. Judge Danforth still doesn't want to believe it (because that would make him look like a fool who had been tricked by children), so he calls in all the other girls - the thing Mary fears most . When people lie and act deceitful it will eventually catch up to them. Judge Danforth is a judge of the Supreme Court who holds respect because of his years of experience, he is a 'man in his sixties', and the number of people who have been sentenced under his ruling. There are three people depicted in Arthur Miller's The Crucible that are most responsible for this and they are, Abigail Williams, Judge Danforth, and Thomas Putnam. Category: sports hunting and shooting. Danforth has come to Salem in order to oversee the prosecution of those accused of witchcraft. Hale. Danforth is clearly an intelligent man, highly respected and successful. If Danforth believes her, it makes the entire case bogus and all those who have been accused innocent . He refuses to hear defense against those accused without seeing it as an attack, or a sign of witchcraft in . But it does not follow that everyone accused is part of it. A well-known actor who held a role in a theatre representation of the Crucible, Javier Bardem was once quoted as saying that he could . Through The Crucible, Arthur Miller does a fantastic job in relating the two events in history. Instead they used it for personal gain and accomplishments. On the Friday morning that Thomas was set to testify, Danforth pulled the judge and both of their wives into his small office restroom. Parris turns Hale's attempt to tell the truth, on Danforth saying people are starting to lose faith in the court of Salem. Instead they used it for personal gain and accomplishments. McCarthyism is also able to be related to Danforth and the trials due to the fact that it was the same idea. he listen to him and hear the truth about the real witches in town . He seems a hard man, and one not willing to change his views. Reproach me not with the fear in the country; there is fear in the country because there is a moving plot to topple Christ in the country! Marauding Native Americans killed Abigail's parents when Abigail was young. " (Her eyes fall on Mary Warren) Mary: (Terrified, pleading) "Abby! While a servant in John Proctor 's household, Abigail briefly became John's lover before Elizabeth found out and fired… read analysis of Abigail Williams. Which events in Act 3 might an audience see as the climax of the play? Cheever also tells Danforth how Proctor plows on Sunday and does not come to church. He has a lot of belief in his personal power, and obviously thinks of himself as a good Christian. A well-known actor who held a role in a theatre representation of the Crucible, Javier Bardem was once quoted as saying that he could . Summary and Analysis Act III: Scene 3. Gullible when it comes to the teenage girls' stories. The man most responsible for the out of control situation was Judge Danforth. As the governor of Massachusetts during the Salem witch trials, Judge Danforth was called, along with Judge Hawthorne, to deal justice and . In speaking to Francis Nurse during the courtroom scene of Act 3, Danforth reveals his own deluded belief that he is doing the will of God by condemning innocent people to death. The immense gain of power that Danforth, Abigail, and Parris had due to the witch trials was defectively used for the greater good. I may only fear the Lord, sir, but there is fear in the country nevertheless. This leads me to believe that the people of Salem know that the truth is being told, yet they were influenced by their greed and were very selfish by taking radical measures to gain the wealth of others by getting them executed. " The Crucible " is just a slightly altered rendition of the real thing. Danforth obviously has a lot of pride. Judge Danforth is a prominent character in the play, and one of main persecutors of those accused of witchcraft. The Crucible shows how honesty may not seem like the popular choice to make but will always be the right one. 3. - Mary Warren's deposition stating that the girls are not telling the truth.A deposition sating that Thomas Putnam was having his daughter cry witchcraft in order to gain land from others. Miller, Arthur. The leaders with power sometimes did not have the same intentions or agreed on some trials. 122 experts online. Judge Danforth asks if Proctor will drop his claim with Mary Warren, but Proctor. Get the entire The Crucible LitChart as a printable PDF. Judge Danforth was a politician that believed in honor and recognition; he closely followed the rules of which he set in stone, and is a perfect archetype of the puritan society. Ever since we were young our parents, teachers and mentors have told us that we should be honest with ourselves and each other. Mr. Proctor, you have been notified, have you not? He is intelligent, successful, and highly respected. He is the main judge we see in the play, and is in charge of hearing all evidence against people, and judging them. Offstage, Judge Hathorne and Deputy Governor Danforth question Martha Corey. "Danforth: Now hear me and beguile yourselves no more. The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller in the early 1950's, has an exemplary character that shows a defective result. An Abuse of Power. Not only does Judge Hathorne and Deputy-Governor Danforth have no proof of the crimes other than the word of the girls, but they leave the accused no options -- they either lie to save their lives, and hence 'admit' to the crime, or they die telling the truth which will not be believed by the public anyway. All the principals of religion - love, forgiveness, charity, acceptance, fairness, etc have been replaced by vengeance, cruelty, lying, hatred, fear, and jealously. Judge Danforth proves this through the medium of his actions which lead to the destruction of trustworthiness in the community and brought tragedy to Salem. Elderly and semi-fragile though this is hidden behind his gruff exterior. 1 The Crucible Preserving One's Reputation In the Crucible there were a few characters that Why does Elizabeth lie and why is it so ironic? Miller created Danforth to be similar to what Big Nurse is in Cuckoos Nest. He arrives in Salem to oversee the trials of the accused witches with a serene sense of his own ability to judge fairly. The 17-year-old niece of Reverend Parris. Danforth had already asked Thomas privately whether these accusations were true, promising to support him regardless. She denies Mary Warren's charge that she is lying and that she falsely accused Elizabeth Proctor. Miller includes notes about many of the characters in the stage directions, and those of Danforth give an instant impression about him. Celebrities were falsely accused of being Communists by Senator . The Salem Witch Trials, Who is Really Guilty After all of the witch trials in 1692 concluded a total of 20 people were hanged all because of people craving attention and personal gain. Despite all she has to gain in telling the truth, Abigail shows Mary Warren how much she has to lose as well. That is why it is hard for Proctor to give up his good name. His job is to diagnose witchcraft if it is present, and then provide a necessary cure through conversion or by removing the "infected" inhabitants from Salem. Isaiah Houston Mrs. Dempsey English 3, Period4 October 15, 2012 The Truth will set You Free "Honesty is the best Policy"- Benjamin Franklin. cries in guilt and admits he slept with . answer choices . The Chief sees McMurphy, like the Big Nurse, as big. He is completely oblivious to the fact that the "victims" might be lying. Danforth believed him. Celebrities were falsely accused of being Communists by Senator . In Act 3 of The Crucible, three men, including John Proctor, go to the court in an effort to reason with the judge about the charges against their wives. Danforth makes a shocking argument defending the way the trials have been conducted, insisting that only the victim's testimony can serve as reliable evidence in this type of trial. A wind, a cold wind, has come. " Abigail: (Shivering visibly) "It is a wind, a wind! In the end, the judge believes . 15 March 2016. Analysis. What does Judge Danforth have to gain by telling the truth? 'Danforth is a grave man in his sixties, of some humour and sophistication, that does not, however interfere with an exact loyalty to his position and his cause.' Danforth then, without hesitation proceeds to believe the girl's accusations and goes through with hanging half of the town. The court refuses to challenge anyone who claims to have been afflicted. What is a climax in a literary work? An Abuse of Power. What proof does Proctor use to try to persuade the judge that Abigail is not to be trusted? " The Crucible " is just a slightly altered rendition of the real thing. At first Mary pleads with Abigail and asks her to put a stop to her acting; Abigail: (looking about in the air, clasping her arms about her as though cold) "I- I know not. Danforth questions that evidence because, prompted by Parris and Hathorne, those people themselves might be under the influence of some evil force, if they were to question the authority of the. Judge Danforth is the epitome of over-adherence and rigidity concerning the law. Thomas Danforth (1622 - November 5, 1699) was a judge for the 1692 Salem witch trials in early colonial America. He is the main judge we see in the play, and is in charge of hearing all evidence against people, and judging them. The story is based on a real-life experience, with actual colonists from 17th century America. The chaos of the trial doesn't affect his own belief that he is the best judge. In the play Reverend Hale, Judge Danforth, and Reverend Parris use their authority in different ways during the Salem the way they want it: Reverend Hale is more empathetic, Danforth is a rule follower, and Reverend Parris is self-serving when using power. As The Crucible transitioned into its third act, Judge Danforth, a round character, begins as a self-justified and aware judge. wants to overthrow the court to gain control of the town .

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what does judge danforth have to gain from the truth

what does judge danforth have to gain from the truth